A Collection of Bright Ideas, games, and lessons learned
I am a collector. Through the years I have created and sent little news letters and Ideas, and illustrations to teach all kinds of things. I called them "Samplers." I wrote Old Testament Samplers, New Testament Samplers, Book of Mormon Samplers, and Church History Samplers.
August 2010 to June 2011: Lessons Learning in Adult Seminary in Sacramento, California.
We have been teaching the Adult Seminary class in our stake since we returned from our mission. It has been about a year- a very fine experience.
When we were traveling home from Denmark, we stopped to visit the homes of some of our ancestors in Moss, Norway and Preston, England. One of my great grandmothers met the missionaries over 100 years ago in the town square of Preston, England. When she heard their inspired message, she went home to tell her sons and ask them to see if they would check to see if they thought the missionaries were telling the truth.
They all joined the church, but their father- was was a caretaker and grave digger for the local church, was fired because he had become a "Crazy Mormon."
Every weekday morning we gather with between 20-30 "crazy Mormons" at 6:30 in the morning to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been studying the Doctrine and Covenants- a collection of revelations given mostly to Joseph Smith and other prophets during the past 100 years.
What a fun pursuit this is. We are driven. We love to learn, and teach each other. It is a great way to begin the day..with a bunch of "crazy Mormons" who love to learn and study as much as I do.
I have promised to put some of our little thoughts online to remember the lessons we are learning. Here are a few of our own Wilberg "Mormon Ads." (To make 8 by 10 copies of these pictures- click to enlarge and then copy and paste into word or adobe photo shop or other photo file).
I will continue to add some stories and ideas as we teach these fine lessons learned from the D&C and about the Prophets of the Church.
It has been such a privilege to teach all of you who fill our classroom every day with such enthusiasm for learning. Love your strong spirit. It is my favorite part of the day.
final note: We began this blog when we were serving in Odense, Denmark- in the Outreach Center for Young Single Adults- from January 2009 to July 2010. The early posts were written during the summer as we taught a summer Institute class and wanted to reach our kids who were traveling during the summer months.-
Summer has arrived here and many of our students are vacationing, and some have moved to the States. We have been asked to teach a Summer Institute Class- The Presidents of the Church. For those of you, like JJ from Greenland, and Guang from Northern China, these lessons, events and activities are for you. We miss you all and hope to see you again very soon. Keep in touch. Sister Wilberg
John Taylor was not born after he was baptized.

I discovered that page one of the prophet's fact sheet showed that John Taylor was baptized before he was born. This is not a true fact...not even a possibility- so here is the corrected version of that page. I will try very hard to not lead you astray. If I do...let me know !
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful!!! I will use it next semester as we continue our studies of the Presidents of the Church. Thank you!
Amanda Sellers