This is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. We just returned home from our mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a wonderful 18 months in Denmark in a 1,000 year old town called Odense. We worked mostly with Young Single Adults from the ages of 18-30 in a Young Single Adult Outreach Center in the middle of town. We met and worked with some of the finest young people in the world. I cannot let them go. Thank Heavens, in this world of facebook and blogs.. our friendships continue.
We have been called to teach an unusual early "Seminary" class at 6:30 in the morning to a group of about 30 adults- a few young single adults, some who are preparing to go on their missions, and lots of curious retired and other enthusiastic adult students. We never have any discipline problems, no one breaks the dress code by wearing pajamas or short shorts to Seminary.. and we never send anyone to the office because they are late.
I think we are the only "Adult Seminary" class in the world. But we have been called to teach with our friend Don Howe... Now, for the first time in 18 months everyone understands my English. It is a fine world in which we live. Love teaching, love this new opportunity to teach. Last summer, while teaching a summer institute class in Odense, I tried to create a blog for those students who would not be in our class to hear about the Prophets of the Church. It is not quite complete. I will try to complete the information sometime this year.
But for now, we begin a new school year with Joseph Smith, the history of the Restored Church, and the Doctrine and Covenants... a sacred book of modern day revelations. The original "book of Commandments" was published in 1833 and then two years later (1835) the name was changed to the "Doctrine and Covenants."

Come join us in this modern day adventure.
In this world of chaos, and confusion, I have told this story many times on my mission. Meet the Sirens of Greece... they are not your friends. It is important to know who your captain is before you sail too close to the rocky shores of the Sirens.
A tale is told of beautiful Sirens who lived on the rocky shores of an island piled high with human bones and broken ships. It was a sad, and dangerous tale. These sirens were talented muscians. They played the harp, and the flute and sang in lovely high pitched voices. They looked like angels by the sea. When they spoke, their words were more enticing than their song. Would you like to go visit their Island and hear them sing?

One captain, named Ulysses, was warned about this danger. He had his sailors plug their ears with wax and tie him to the mast to avoid the Sirens by the shore. But the sailors could still see the beautiful maidens and watch their tempting words inviting them closer. They crashed against the rocks and were buried in the watery grave.
A wiser captain, Orpheus, had a better plan. He was an excellent musican. His music could change the feelings and attitudes of the tired and discouraged sailors. When they came near to the Siren's Island..He played a more beautiful melody and sang a more clear, and refined song. He drowned out the music of the world- the siren's world, and replaced it with a new song. Before the sailors knew it, their ship was back on course and out of danger.
Today, the high shrill song of the sirens is heard all over the world. The Lord, has given us the clear, pure voice of a captain with a better song...one who can guide us away from the rocky shores of the world and on to safety.

"Hearken, O ye people.. from afar; and ye that are upon the islands of the sea, listen together. For verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men.. the voice of warning shall be unto All people.."
This is a picture of some of our favorite people in our center in Odense. Paul (Li-Cong) has just received the Priesthood surrounded by these great men from all over the world.
We begin the study of the Doctrine and Covenants with this clear song. In this book you will find the words that will lift you up and protect you as you sail through the rocky shores of the last days. Even if you wonder where your captain is, take a chance on these powerful words. With a soft heart, you may find yourself sailing past the chaotic world to a place that has fun making won-ton soup on a Friday night.

During this lesson on the Preface of the D&C..Section 1, we focused on the idea that this book was written as a voice of warning "to ALL people." Sheri Dew, former councilor in the General Relief Society Presidency, gives purpose to the importance of latter day leadership.
She wrote: "Our father has remarkable respect for us. He chose us for the last leg of the race..not Eve, not Moses, Not Noah..he recommended you and me.
During this lesson on the Preface of the D&C..Section 1, we focused on the idea that this book was written as a voice of warning "to ALL people." Sheri Dew, former councilor in the General Relief Society Presidency, gives purpose to the importance of latter day leadership.
She wrote: "Our father has remarkable respect for us. He chose us for the last leg of the race..not Eve, not Moses, Not Noah..he recommended you and me.
God wants a powerful people. Do you think God would have left the last days to chance?
In the last leg of a relay race, the coach always positions the best for the last...
1. To face the world at its worst.
2. To combat Satan.
3. Born to lead, to stand as a witness at all times.
4. Isaiah said- we were born to Glory.
5. The days ahead will wrench our very heart strings.
President Kimball: "Our influence will be ten fold what it might have been in more tranquil times."
There are many scriptures that describe the power of Gods word.. In D&C 11: 2 the Lord reminds to "Give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow; therefore, give heed unto my word."
There are many scriptures that describe the power of Gods word.. In D&C 11: 2 the Lord reminds to "Give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow; therefore, give heed unto my word."
In the beginning of the D&C the Savior promises to defend and strengthen the weak and humble. He offers them power to lay the foundation of the church.
"These commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding. .. in as much as they were humble they might be made strong, and blessed from on high,...
To those to whom these commandments were given, (they) might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of the darkness the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth.." D&C 1: 24, 28 30
To demonstrate where we get our power I asked the class to look at point number 1. Have them draw the same illustration on their paper putting a picture of them in the middle. Then circle the person they think is the most powerful in # 1. (God is the most powerful)

Point 2. Have the class draw another picture with Satan and you side by side. Who is the most powerful. (many will say man is the most powerful...but the fact is that Satan is probably the most powerful when man is not connected to any support)

Point three: Then have them draw God, themselves, and Satan again and ask the question how can you become more powerful. Draw a ring around the source that gives you power. When you are bound to God...you have more power than the devil himself.

For this reason, we have spent 18 months of our lives with these fine people...sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people from all over the world. What a ride it continues to be. (click on the pictures for a bigger view).
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